Diana Moreira (UC, Davis)
Presenta: Diana Moreira (Ph.D. in Business Economics, Harvard University; Assistant Professor, University of California, Davis; Lemann Fellow; Faculty Affiliate, Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA); Invited Researcher, JPAL)
Abstract: We study how political turnover in mayoral elections in Brazil affects public service provision by local governments. Exploiting a regression discontinuity design for close elections, we find that municipalities with a new party in office experience upheavals in the municipal bureaucracy: new personnel are appointed across multiple service sectors, and at both managerial and non-managerial levels. In education, the increase in the replacement rate of personnel in schools controlled by the municipal government is accompanied by test scores that are .05-.08 standard deviations lower. In contrast, turnover of the mayor’s party does not impact local (non-municipal) schools. These findings suggest that political turnover can adversely affect the quality of public services when the bureaucracy is not shielded from the political process.
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Datos del Seminario
11 de Septiembre, 2020 | 12:00 hrs.
Fecha de término
11 de Septiembre, 2020 | 13:00 hrs.