

Seminario "The impact of commuting time over educational achievement: A machine learning approach"

Autores: Dante Contreras, Daniel Hojman y Nicolás Suárez.
Presenta: Nicolás Suárez.
Fecha: Viernes 14 de Septiembre del 2018.
Horario:  13:00 a 14:00 horas.
Sala: 1605
Confirmar asistencia con: Pamela Fuentes (
Abstract: Taking advantage of georeferenced data from Chilean students, we estimate the impact of commuting time over academic achievement. As the commuting time is an endogenous variable, we use instrumental variables and fixed effects at school level to overcome this problem. Also, as we don't know which mode of transport the students use, we complement our analysis using machine learning methods  to predict the transportation mode. Our findings suggest that, within every school, the commuting time have a negative effect over academic performance, but this effect is not always significant.

Datos del Seminario

Fecha de inicio:
14 de Septiembre, 2018 | 13:00 hrs.

Fecha de término
14 de Septiembre, 2018 | 14:00 hrs.