

Seminario “Understanding the Effects of a Work-Based Welfare Policy on Child Human Capital"

PresentaJorge Rodríguez ,Ph.D. en Economía, Chicago University, Profesor Asistente, Universidad Los Andes.

Lugar y HoraMiércoles 5 de Septiembre - 13:00hrs, Sala P-301, Edificio Placa
Diagonal Paraguay 257 - Torre 26. 


We analyze the economic returns to post-secondary degrees in Chile. We posit a schooling decision model with unobserved ability, degree-specific tuition costs, and earnings. We use administrative records to carry out our empirical analysis. Our results show positive average returns to post-secondary education, especially for five-year degrees. However, we also uncover significant heterogeneity. We document how unobserved characteristics (ability) determine the economic benefits of first- and second-best choices, even leading to negative returns to post-secondary degrees. Our findings illustrate the importance of allowing for heterogeneous treatment effects and individuals’ choices when examining the returns to education.


Datos del Seminario

Fecha de inicio:
05 de Septiembre, 2018 | 13:00 hrs.

Fecha de término
05 de Septiembre, 2018 | 13:30 hrs.