

Seminario FEN "Non-cognitive characteristics and the decision of treatment of chronic diseases: Evidence from Chile"

Presenta: Pablo Guzmán (Departamento de Economía, Universidad de Chile)

Este viernes Pablo Guzmán presentará "Non-cognitive characteristics and the decision of treatment of chronic diseases: Evidence from Chile", cuyo resumen se encuentra más abajo.

El seminario se llevará a cabo este viernes 7 de agosto a las 13:00 hrs en la sala 1605 de la torre. Para confirmar almuerzo, favor de escribirle a Pamela Fuentes a más tardar el jueves a las 13:00 hrs al correo

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We provide pioneer evidence about the determinants of treatment of three chronic conditions in Chile. By exploiting a rich database, we are able to include non-cognitive characteristics as one of the many determinants of this decision. Both descriptive and econometric analysis are consistent in showing that there exists substantial heterogeneity across diseases. The evidence shows that there is small but significant effect of risk aversion and self-control in the decision of treatment of depression and diabetes, and no effect for hypertension. Male population with worse self-control levels and more risk-seeking behavior tend to show lower treatment rates for diabetes. We also find that health insurance is not a relevant dimension for this decision, being this previously documented by empirical literature. 



Non-cognitive characteristics and the decision of treatment of chronic diseases: Evidence from Chile


We provide pioneer evidence about the determinants of treatment of three chronic conditions in Chile. By exploiting a rich database, we are able to include non-cognitive characteristics as one of the many determinants of this decision. Both descriptive and econometric analysis are consistent in showing that there exists substantial heterogeneity across diseases. The evidence shows that there is small but significant effect of risk aversion and self-control in the decision of treatment of depression and diabetes, and no effect for hypertension. Male population with worse self-control levels and more risk-seeking behavior tend to show lower treatment rates for diabetes. We also find that health insurance is not a relevant dimension for this decision, being this previously documented by empirical literature. 

Datos del Seminario

Fecha de inicio:
07 de Agosto, 2015 | 13:00 hrs.

Fecha de término
07 de Agosto, 2015 | 14:00 hrs.