

Seminario: "Papás al Día: Using high frequency text messaging to reduce parent-school information gaps and improve school outcomes"

Autor: Samuel Berlinski (IADB), Matias Busso (IADB), Taryn Dinkelman (Dartmouth) y Claudia Martínez (PUC) Presenta: Claudia Martínez (PUC) Lugar y hora: Miércoles 15 de marzo de 2017, 13:00 hrs. Sala P 301, Edificio Tecnoaulas (Diagonal Paraguay 257)
Although schools around the world routinely collect high frequency data on student outcomes like absenteeism, grades, and behavior in the classroom, parents rarely have access to this information in real time. Because these indicators are strong predictors of grade repetition and school dropout, this lack of communication presents a barrier to improving educational attainment. To test whether having better access to these data could improve school outcomes, we randomized a program of weekly text messages to parents of almost 1,500 students in grades 4 through 8 across eight schools in a low-income Chilean municipality. After four months, treated students have improved math grades and sizeable reductions in bad behavior, and experience higher rates of grade progression. Our results suggest that getting grade, attendance and behavior data to parents more frequently during the early years of school could significantly raise human capital attainment down the line.

Datos del Seminario

Fecha de inicio:
15 de Marzo, 2017 | 13:00 hrs.

Fecha de término
15 de Marzo, 2017 | 14:00 hrs.