

"Chilean Export Performance: Extensive Margins and the role of Trade Agreements"

AUTOR (ES): Matías Berthelon Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez

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"The Form of Incentive Contracts: The Limited Liability Agency Model with Moral Hazard*"

AUTOR (ES): Joaquín Poblete, Daniel Spulberz PRESENTA: Joaquín Poblete (LSE)

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"Strategic Behaviour, Resource Valuation and Competition in Electricity Markets "

AUTOR (ES): Miguel Andrés Espinosa Universidad de los Andes, Colombia Álvaro Riascos Universidad de los Andes, Colombia PRESENTA: Álvaro Riascos Universidad de los Andes, Colombia

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“Motivating Politicians: The Impacts of Monetary Incentives on Quality and Performance”

TÍTULO: “Motivating Politicians: The Impacts of Monetary Incentives on Quality and Performance” AUTOR (ES): Claudio Ferraz, Federico Finan. PRESENTA: Claudio Ferraz (PUC-Rio )

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“Public School Outcomes in Rural Areas under Management of Local Governments and Soft Budget Constraints:Evidence from Chile”

TÍTULO: “Public School Outcomes in Rural Areas under Management of Local Governments and Soft Budget Constraints:Evidence from Chile” AUTOR (ES): Francisco Gallego,Carlos Rodríguez , Enzo Sauma (PUC) PRESENTA: Francisco Gallego (PUC).

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“Why don’t all Exporters Benefit from Free Trade Agreements? Estimating Utilization Costs”

Autor (es): Alfie Ulloa (U. de Chile, Law School and ZBU) y Rodrigo Wagner (U. de Chile, Tufts U and CID-Harvard)

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"Lead exposure and its effects on academic achievement: Evidence from an environmental negligence"

TÍTULO: "Lead exposure and its effects on academic achievement: Evidence from an environmental negligence" AUTOR (ES): Tomás Rau, Loreto Reyes y Sergio Urzúa PRESENTA: Tomás Rau (FEN)

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"The school reentry decision of poor girls"

TÍTULO: "The school reentry decision of poor girls" AUTOR (ES): Nieves Valdés (USACH)

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"Delaying the Bell: The effects of longer school days on adolescent motherhood in Chile"

TÍTULO: "Delaying the Bell: The effects of longer school days on adolescent motherhood in Chile" AUTOR (ES): Diana Kruger y Matias E. Berthelon (PUC-V) Presenta: Diana Kruger

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