“Disentangling the role of Pre-Labor Market Skills and Family Background when Explaining Inequality”
TÍTULO: “Disentangling the role of Pre-Labor Market Skills and Family Background when Explaining Inequality”
AUTOR (ES): Julio Guzmán y Sergio Urzúa
PRESENTA: Julio Guzmán, UAI
“Why Are Developing Countries so Slow in Adopting New Technologies?*”
TÍTULO: “Why Are Developing Countries so Slow in Adopting New Technologies?*”
AUTOR (ES): Raphael Bergoeing (FEN), Normal V. Loayza (The World Bank), Facundo (Einaudi Institute for Economics and and Finance)
PRESENTA: Raphael Bergoeing (FEN),
"Consistent Estimation of Discrete Choice Models with Data from Audit Reports "
AUTOR (ES): Marcelo Medeiros PUC RIO
“The Economic Impact of Oil on Industry Portfolios”
Autor (es): Jaime Casassus (Universidad Católica de Chile), Freddy Higuera (Universidad Católica del Norte)
"Financial Stress and Monetary Policy in Small Open Economies"
AUTOR (ES): Rodrigo Caputo Juan Pablo Medina y Claudio Soto (BCCh)
PRESENTA: Rodrigo Caputo (BCCh)
“Women’s employment transitions after childbirth"
AUTOR (ES): Claudia Sanhueza, Marcela Perticara (U. Alberto Hurtado)
PRESENTA: Marcela Perticara
“The Effect of Participation in Public Childcare Centers: Evidence from Chile* ”
AUTOR (ES): Grace Noboa Hidalgo (Northwestern University) Sergio Urzúa (Northwestern University NBER and IZA)
PRESENTA: Sergio Urzúa
“Imperfect Labor Markets with a Continuum of Heterogeneous Workers”
AUTOR (ES): Lucas Navarro, James Albrecht y Susan Vroman
PRESENTA: Lucas Navarro (U. Alberto Hurtado)
“Contratos de largo plazo y eficiencia en los mercados eléctricos”
AUTOR (ES): Pablo Serra (Decon, U. de Chile)
"Una aproximación estructural al comportamiento del segmento minorista
AUTOR(ES):Andrés Gómez-Lobo,Juan Luis Jimenez, y Jordi Perdiguero
PRESENTA :Andrés Gómez-Lobo,