Cable a Tierra
Alfredo Joignant
High Frequency Dynamics of the Exchange Rate in Chile
Kewin Cowan, David Rappoport y Jorge Selaive.
Wage Dynamics in Chile: The check is in the mail or the check has arrived and we did not know it?
Eduardo Engel y Juan Eberhard
Concentración y Competencia en Supermercados: El caso de Chile
Aldo Gonzaléz y Andrés Gomez-Lobo
The Effect of Innovation on Employment
Rodolfo Lauterbach y José Miguel Benavente
Cable a Tierra
José Bengoa
El Efecto del Ingreso de Gol en el Mercado Aéreo Chileno (Trabajo en curso)"
Aldo González (Universidad de Chile)**
Exploring the Relationship between R&D and Productivity: A Country-Level Study."
Claudio Bravo (Decon) y Álvaro García (Banco Central),** **