

Roberto Álvarez (Banco Central), Luis Opazo (Banco Central)

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The effect of public R&D subsidies on private R&D spending in Chilean manufacturing firms

Autores: José Miguel Benavente (INTELIS – DECON), Leonardo González (Ministerio de Hacienda) y **Joce

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Coordination of Expectations and the Informational Role of Policy

Yang K. Lu (Boston U) y Ernesto Pastén (Boston U)**

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The role of local and global sectors in the Chilean economy: a multivariate input-output analysis.

Cristiano Colombi, Ph.D. Sapienza University of Rome **Department of Public Economics **

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Central Bank Preferences and Optimal Monetary Policy in DSGE Models "

Autores: Rodrigo Caputo, Juan Pablo Medina y Claudio Soto (todos del BCCh). **Presenta: Rodrigo Caput

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Market access and within-plant productivity evolution in Chile

Maria Bas e Ivan Ledezma (PES). Presenta Ivan Ledezma

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Riesgo de Crédito de la Banca

Rodrigo Alfaro (BC), Daniel Calvo (BC) y Daniel Oda (BC)**

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Tournaments, gift exchanges, and monetary incentives for teachers: the case of Chile

Tomás Rau Binder y Dante Contreras (Universidad de Chile)**Presenta Tomás Rau Binder

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Expectational Coordination in a class of Economic Models : Strategic Substitutabilities versus Stra"

Roger Guesnerie (PSE y College de France) y Pedro Jara-Moroni (PSE y DIM)**Presenta Pedro Jara-Moroni

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