
Manuel Agosin

Profesor Titular (Jornada Parcial)

Diagonal Paraguay 205, Edificio Z, Cuarto Piso

(56-2) 2978 3985

A specialist in International Economics and Macroeconomics, he is currently Chairman and Professor (since 1992) at the Department of Economics, University of Chile. He also works on a regular basis for the Inter-American Development Bank as Consultant. Between 2001 and early 2006 he was Chief Economist for Central America, Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Mexico at the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington, D.C. He holds a Ph.D. from Columbia University and a first degree from the University of Chile. He has been economic advisor to several Latin American governments and a consultant to the United Nations and international financial institutions. He has published several books in Spanish and English and is the author of numerous articles published in international journals.

Documentos recientes
International Review of Economics and Finance
Vol. 87, pp. 110 - 123, Septiembre, 2023
Revistas Académicas ISI
CEPAL Review
Vol. 139, pp. 123 - 140, Abril, 2023
Revistas Académicas ISI

Blog últimas entradas

- Thu 20, May 2010
- Sun 15, February 2009
- Wed 21, January 2009
- Thu 15, March 2007
- Thu 23, November 2006