Manuel Agosin
Profesor Titular (Jornada Parcial)
Diagonal Paraguay 205, Edificio Z, Cuarto Piso
(56-2) 2978 3985
A specialist in International Economics and Macroeconomics, he is currently Chairman and Professor (since 1992) at the Department of Economics, University of Chile. He also works on a regular basis for the Inter-American Development Bank as Consultant. Between 2001 and early 2006 he was Chief Economist for Central America, Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Mexico at the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington, D.C. He holds a Ph.D. from Columbia University and a first degree from the University of Chile. He has been economic advisor to several Latin American governments and a consultant to the United Nations and international financial institutions. He has published several books in Spanish and English and is the author of numerous articles published in international journals.